Osuva is Finland's leading provider of firearms training, with two indoor shooting ranges located right in the centre of Helsinki. Since opening our doors in 2000, we’ve introduced over twenty thousand new shooters to the sport and held thousands of events and courses.
Uusi vuosi, uudet kujeet – ja miksei vaikka uusi harrastus? Nyt tutustumiskäynti vain 49€!
Make the gift of an unforgettable experience! The perfect gift for a birthday, newlyweds, those going off to do their national service, mum, dad or whoever!
Shooting Ranges
Once you’ve taken our Introductory Session, you can make reservations for our range sessions. Our sessions start on the hour and are usually 50 minutes long. We offer three types of sessions: unsupervised sessions, supervised sessions and coaching sessions. Vuorot alkavat tasatunnein ja ovat pääasiassa 50 minuutin pituisia. Tarjoamme kolmenlaisia ratavuoroja: Vapaa vuoro, valvottu vuoro ja valmennusvuoro.
You don’t have to be a member to use our range, but if you visit us often, membership pays off. You can become a member after your introductory session by filling in a membership form when you visit the range or you can do it online or via mail. Jäseneksi voi liittyä vaikkapa ensimmäisellä kerralla radalla käydessään tai täyttämällä ja lähettämällä meille (sähköpostilla tai postilla) jäsenhakemuksen.
Private Events
Are you arranging a company outing or a stag or hen party? Would you like the whole range to yourself? Can do! Shooting is a memorable way to start off an evening and a positive experience people will talk about for a long time.